Monday, November 30, 2009

Tips Download Mp3 Gratis Dan Cepat

Biasanya kita mencari lagu mp3 di internet dengan cara memasukkan judul lagu atau penyanyi ke google search untuk kemudian download gratis dari situs yang kita kunjungi. Namun hal tersebut tidak efisien, karena terkadang kita tidak menemukan lagu mp3 indonesia yang kita inginkan. Oleh karena itu di sini saya akan memberikan tips cara cepat download mp3 gratis dari internet yang lebih efisien dan langsung ke lagu mp3 yang anda inginkan. caranya adalah sebagai berikut, ketikkan perintah di bawah ini ke google search: ?intitle:index.of? mp3 “penyanyi” “judul lagu”

Kemudian ganti “penyanyi” dengan penyanyi lagu yang ingin anda cari dan ganti “judul lagu” dengan judul lagu yang anda cari. anda juga bisa menggunakan salah satu saja misalkan anda hanya menggunakan judul lagu saja atau hanya penyanyinya saja, hal tersebut terserah kepada anda.

contohnya adalah sebagai berikut:

?intitle:index.of? mp3 gigi


?intitle:index.of? mp3 “kotak”


?intitle:index.of? mp3 “tercipta untukku”

Selamat download lagu mp3 indonesia maupun inggris dengan tips download mp3 gratis dan cepat…gimana ada komentar???


New Panda bear

Finally, the wait is almost over.

After a monster tour with Animal Collective it has become apparent that Noah Lennox is ready to release a rapid fire of songs on his next Panda Bear record.

It seems, as it always is with the members of Animal Collective, it is time for change. He has decided to ditch the samplers and long interwoven tracks sprawling several meditative beautiful minutes and, according to Noah, “do like 45s , with singles of two songs like an a-side and a b-side which are both pretty short.”

From the sounds of things it will be a very different structure with an entirely new instrumentation line-up and structural working.

Below is a cover by Panda Bear of The Notwist song Boneless.

I hope his new record sounds like this!

Panda Bear – Boneless(NoTwist)


Friday, November 27, 2009

Now Download Fedora 12

The Fedora Project is a global partnership of free software community members. The Fedora Project is sponsored by Red Hat, which invests in our infrastructure and resources to encourage collaboration and incubate innovative new technologies. Some of these technologies may later be integrated into Red Hat products. They are developed in Fedora and produced under a free and open source license from inception, so other free software communities and projects are free to study, adopt, and modify them.

Now you can download or upgrade it from older version.


Juvenile - Cocky And Confident (Album) .

01. Cocky And Confident

02. Gotta Get It

03. Back Back

04. We Getting Money (Featuring Shawty Lo, Dorrough And Kango Slim)

05. My Money Don’t Fold (Featuring Kango Slim And T Money)

06. Feeling Right (Featuring B.G., Cape And Kango Slim)

07. Top Of The Line

08. Make U Feel Alright (Featuring Kango Slim And Jay Da Menace)

09. It’s All Hood

10. New Orleans Stunna (Featuring Rawsmoov)

11. All Over You (Featuring Kango Slim)

12. You Can’t Stop Me (Featuring Mr. Meanor, Youngin And Kango Slim)

13. Break It Down (Featuring Q Corvette)

14. I’m Out Chere (Featuring Rico Love)

15. I’m Shining

16. I Say (Featuring Youngin)

17. Everything (Featuring Bobby V)

18. Hands On You (Featuring Pleasure P)

19. Listen (Featuring Q Corvette)

Previous/Anterior Juvenile Feat. Gucci Mane – Gotta Get It

Vezi: Juvenile .

Via: RGF .


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mengatur E-mail dari notifikasi Facebook

Member fb pasti punya email. Email kita perlukan untuk banyak kepentingan mulai dari yang bersifat pribadi, bisnis atau pekerjaan. Karena itu kita berharap bahwa surat2 yg masuk ke akun email kita adalah sesuatu yg memang penting untuk pekerjaan kita. Pada akun email biasanya kita bisa memanage surat2 sampah untuk dilaporkan sebagai SPAM shg surat2 semacam itu tidak muncul pada INBOX akun email kita.


Sesudah jadi member facebook, berapa banyakkah mail dari fb yang anda terima tiap harinya ? Banyak sekali bukan? Bahkan bisa lebih banyak dibanding surat2 yg diperlukan dlm kerja dan bisnis. Malah saya sempat akan melaporkannya ke yahoo! sebagai spam. Tapi kam itu ada karena kita memang membernya fb ? Jadi saya pikir gak adil kalo surat2 dari fb saya golongkan spam.

Bagaimana ini bisa terjadi?

Dalam Polic agrement fb memang tertera aturan bahwa fb akan menyampaikan pada email kita tentang semua aktivitas di fb yang berkaitan dng diri member. Semakin banyak teman, applikasi dan aktivitas yg anda lakukan di fb maka akan semakin banyak pula surat2 pemberitauan dari fb yg masuk ke email anda.


Tahukah anda, berapa banyak jenis aktivitas yang bisa terjadi dalam fb ? Jumlahnya mencapai 68 dan bisa lebih banyak lagi bila anda banyak mengaktivkan aplikasi tambahan. Jadi wajar kalo email anda akan penuh surat dari fb.



Pertama tama masuklah ke akun fb anda. Kemudian Klik PROFILE. Cari dan klik tombol PENGATURAN. Lalu klik PEMBERITAUAN atau Notifikasi kalo anda pake english.

Setiap aplikasi fb mempunyai pengaturan tersendiri berkenaan dng pemberitauan email.

Klik nama applikasi di sebelah kanan untuk menyunting pengaturan aplikasi yang anda setujui untuk diberitaukan melalui email anda.

» klik AKTIV bila anda ingin di email tentang aktivitas tersebut.

» klik NON AKTIV bila anda ingin tidak di email walau ada aktivitas pada aplikasi tersebut.



sebenarnya disini ada 12 macap aplikasi, tapi yg tampil biasanya cuma 5.

Klik TAMPILKAN YANG LAIN. nah akan muncul 7 apl tambahan. Silahkan atur dng cara klik pada tombol AKTIV atau NON AKTIV sesuai selera anda.


pada bagian ini ada 7 aktivitas yang bisa anda atur.


ada 7 aktivitas yg gak penting banget dan bisa anda non aktivkan.


Cuma ada 1 aktivitas kalo2 ada yg minta anda jadi moderator untuk diskusi virtual.


anda bisa atur 7 aktivitas dlm aplikasi ini.


ada 3 aktivitas


ada 2 aktivitas yang mungkin terjadi disini.


Lumayan banyak. Disini ada 5 aktivitas yang bisa anda atur.



pada 2 aplikasi tsb masing2 ada 1 jenis aktivitas yg bisa anda atur.


anda bisa seting 2 jenis aktivitas yg ada disini.


disini ada 3 item notifikasi. Sebaiknya dibuat aktiv aja karena jarang2 ada dan tentu kita tak ingin ketinggalan hal baru dari fb bukan ?


Standarnya sih cuma 5 tapi bisa jadi tambah 13 jenis aktivitas atau bahkan lebih banyak lagi tergantung dari aplikasi tambahan yang aktiv di fb anda.

Nah, kalo dah selesai jangan lupa klik SIMPAN PERUBAHAN dan juga klik PENGATURAN SELESAI kalo sudah tak ada yang akan anda atur lagi.

Mau lihat hasilnya ? Tunggu berapa jam atau sehari aja deh. Email anda akan kembali langsing dan enak dipandang. Semua email yang masuk benar memang surat yang anda perlukan.

Tidak ada lagi spam face book.



A Remix Post!

Two new version of already dope songs dropped this week. So I decided to make a post of it! Click to download.

The first, Alicia Keys – Empire State of Mind Pt. 2 (Broken Down)

The second, Wale – Diary ft. Marsha Ambrosius (Acoustic)

The “Empire State of Mind” has no Jay-Z on it, just more from Alicia Keys but it sounds real nice. “Diary” is just an acoustic version of one of my favorite tracks on Attention Deficit produced by The Sleepwalkers, and after listening a few times I might like it better than the original. Wale’s lyrics and Marsha’s vocals are enough, and in this case simple is better.

Links props to 2DBz.


Monday, November 23, 2009

D&BA : The Risky presents...Dom & Roland in the mix

A huge show as The Risky pulls out some of the freshest beats from the likes of Dillinja, J Majik & Wickaman, Original Sin, Heist and many more. To coincide with the release of his massive album, ‘No Strings Attached’, D&B veteran Dom&Roland makes some serious noise as he fills the guest mix slot on this week’s show.



Dillinja – So Special (Valve Lost Tapes Vol.1) (Valve)

J Majik & Wickaman – Mosquito (Mosquito)

Top Cat – Ruffest Gunnark (Chase & Status Remix) (Streetlife)

Rollz – Plugged In (Formation)

Fugative – Supafly (Drumsound & Bassline Smith Remix) (Data)

Heist – Death Star (Sumo Beatz)

Original Sin – Accidental Hero (Playaz)


Camo & Krooked – Mindset (Beta)

AI (feat. DRS) – Blind Eye (Liquid V)

Rox – No Going Back (DC Breaks Remix) (Data)

Lethal & The Sect – ubik (Surround Sound)

Dom & Roland – Riddim Cultcha (No Strings Attached LP : D&BA Bundle Download)



New Moon a batut tot ce a prins in cale la Hollywood

Episodul al doilea din saga “Twilight”, “New Moon” a obţinut încasări care plasează filmul pe locul al treilea în istoria Hollywood-ului în materie de câştiguri pentru week-end-ul de lansare.

Filmul a obţinut 141 de milioane de dolari în trei zile, surclasând comedia”The Blind Side”, cu Sandra Bullock, care a strâns 34,5 milioane. Pe locul al treilea s-a clasat filmul “2012″, al lui Roland Emmerich, care a adunat 26,5 milioane de dolari.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Decompile File Jar / Class ke Java Menggunakan Java Decompiler

Lisensi Tulisan Copyright (C) 2009 Eko Kurniawan Khannedy, Artikel ini adalah perangkat lunak bebas. Anda dapat mendistribusikan dan / atau memodifikasi di bawah ketentuan dari GNU Lesser General Public License sebagaimana diterbitkan oleh Free Software Foundation; baik version 2.1 of the License, atau (pada pilihan anda) versi apapun. Artikel ini didistribusikan dengan harapan bahwa itu akan berguna, tetapi TANPA ADANYA JAMINAN; bahkan tanpa jaminan yang termasuk dari DAGANGAN atau KECOCOKAN UNTUK TUJUAN TERTENTU. Lihat Lesser General Public License untuk rincian lebih lanjut. Anda seharusnya telah menerima salinan dari GNU Lesser General Public License bersama dengan artikel ini, jika tidak, tulis ke Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Motivasi

Depan membaca artikel ini anda akan mengetahui cara melakukan Decompiler dari file Jar / Class ke Java sehingga anda dapat mengetahui kode-kode file distribusi java yang tidak dicantumpan sourcecodenya.


Sebelum ke inti artikel, saya akan bahas tentang pengalaman saya dulu, dulu saya pernah membuat sebuah library bernama UsuLibrary, library ini berisikan class-class utilitas untuk Java Swing dan class-class ini digunakan di semua project GUI saya seperti eMovieRental, eBookLibrary sampai ePhoneBook. namun karena project ini project EXPERIMENTAL, atau dengan kata lain PERCOBAAN, jadi saya kurang berani mendistribusikan kodenya

setelah berselang beberapa waktu, terjadi ERROR di Vista saya, maka saya putuskan untuk Migrasi ke LinuxMint, dan akhirnya seluruh data di Vista hilang termasuk kode UsuLibrary tersebut. Nah dengan berjalannya waktu, proyek eMovieRental, eBookLibrary, ePhoneBook ternyata banyak sekali yang download, sampai lebih dari 20.000 yang download. dan ternyata banyak yang menanyakan tentang UsuLibrary. karena kodenya gak ada ya jadi saya bilang sourcenya dah hilang

Java Decompiler

Nah setelah saya cari sana-sini ternyada ada yang namanya Java Decompiler, tool ini ternyata bisa mendecompile file distribusi java menjadi source code kembali. Nah setelah saya coba decompile UsuLibrary, ternyata SUKSES, saya bisa mendapatkan sourcecodenya kembali, walaupun dokumentasi (komentar) yang ada di sourcecode menghilang, tapi setidaknya saya dapat melihat sourcenya lagi dan bisa membagi sourcecode UsuLibrary ke teman-teman yang lain

Java Decompiler dapat di download sisini :

sebelumnya download dulu Java Decompiler di website diatas, Java Decompiler ternyada tibuat menggunakan C++ jadi anda harus downlaod sesuai dengan sistem operasi yang dipake. setelah itu jalankan Java Decompiler tersebut, maka terlihat aplikasi seperti ini :

Setelah anda buka file jar yang akan di Decompile, anda bisa mengkilk classnya terus langsung ditampilkan SourceCode nya keren kan?


MELLON YELLOW – The Longest Yard (free-single!!!)

Mellon Yellow, kolektif shoegazer / noise-pop muda berbakat asal Jakarta ini memang sudah Wasted Rockers amati lumayan lama. Ke depannya, kami yakin mereka akan berbicara banyak di scene lokal. Ketika sekarang banyak terjadi miskonsepsi bahwa post-rock, dreampop, space-rock & ambient = shoegazing-music, maka mereka menunjukkan root dari genre tersebut dengan memainkan classic (early 90’s) shoegazing; indie-rock yang noisy-spacey-atmospheric, heavy-riffs, penuh dengan efek fuzz-tremolo-wah pedals, flat-vocal & teknik permainan kocokan handle gitar.

“The Longest Yard” adalah salah satu lagu dari (upcoming) mini-album Mellon Yellow bertitel Milk Calcium EP, yang akan dirilis akhir tahun 2009 ini. Lagu ini merupakan preview dari manifesto band: perihal rangkaian lirik yang cukup enak untuk didengar dan dibaca, tanpa harus memiliki makna apa-apa. Mellon Yellow merekam Milk Calcium dalam waktu dua bulan untuk merayakan euphoria mereka terhadap keberdayaan sebuah fuzz-box.

Bersama dengan ini, Mellon Yellow melepas single perdana mereka yang berjudul “The Longest Yard” untuk diunduh secara gratis oleh para pembaca setia Wasted Rockers, sebagai sneak-preview untuk debut EP mereka nanti. Ya, sangat kami rekomendasikan, terutama untuk penggemar classic heroes such as: (early) Catherine Wheel, Ride, (early) Moose & My Bloody Valentine.

Mellon Yellow contact:
Phone: 085691996434 (Ridho)


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mv เพลง หยุดฟังเสียงหัวใจ - แนน วาทิยา


Download เพลง หยุดฟังเสียงหัวใจ ในรูปแบบ MV คลิกที่นี่

Download เพลง หยุดฟังเสียงหัวใจ ในรูปแบบ MP3 คลิกที่นี่


เพลง – หยุดฟังเสียงหัวใจ

ศิลปิน – แนน วาทิยา

ทำนอง มล. บวรชัย สุขสวัสดิ

เรียบเรียง นันทพงศ์ ทศพร

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ที่แท้ที่ใจต้องการ อยากกลัวต่อไปเช่นนั้น
หรือต้องการให้รักกัน สักที ฟังเสียงใจ

News #1

Buenas galerê,
tudo nas ordens?

Correria,  correria e mais correria pra variar, e arrumando tempo pra correr atrás do selo, isso aí! hehe =)

Bom, vamos as news:

Os camaradas do Gatilho estão participando de uma coletânea virtual do site PorradaRock, junto com uma porrada de banda foda e “velha” (euaheuhae). Mais então, liberaram a música “Praga” pra download ai na coletânea.
Pra quem quiser dar uma conferida é só clica aqui ó.

E pra quem não viu o clipe sucesso da web, intitulado “Praga”, confere ai (cuidado, cenas fortes )

E falando neles, se tudo correr bem, começo do ano que vem, vão entrar em estúdio para a gravação do primeiro compact-disc deles (CD mesmo haha!), que ainda não foi intulado!

Putz, e falando em gravação de CD, quem tá pra gravar são os brothers de Jundái, Fetus Humanóides, que vai completar 5 aninhos de idade nesse dia 21! Segundo informações do fotolog deles, a gravação do CD “A Falta que a Honra Faz” começa já dia 9 de Janeiro, nem vão ter férias, vê se pode uma coisa dessas! Pra quem não conhece essa música, que leva o nome do disco, dá uma olhada só na energia que ela tem, ainda mais ao vivo:

Issâe! Galerê!
Nos vemos sabadão no INFERNO! HAHA!
Agnostic Front & Madball lá vamos nozes!

Se sobreviverei há esse show não sei, só resta esperar pra contar detalhes aqui no blog semana que vem rapá!




Obs: prometo que vou conseguir uma grana pra comprar a placa pra transferir os vídeos da Self Fest pro computador (vou parar de gastar em bebidas).

Monday, November 16, 2009

Memotong file (lagu) mp3 menggunakan Audacity

Memotong file (lagu) mp3 menggunakan Audacity

SUMBER: Artikel Komputerku

Audacity merupakan sebuah aplikasi multimedia editor yang dapat digunakan untuk memotong lagu mp3, menambah efek lagu, menggabungkan beberapa lagu menjadi satu bagian, atau menggabungkan beberapa potongan lagu menjadi satu lagu. Sekalipun Audacity merupakan software gratisan (freeware), namun fasilitas (tools) yang tersedia dalam software ini cukup banyak.

Aplikasi Audacity lebih powerful mengedit file mp3 jika dilengkapi dengan lame mp3 encoder (freeware). untuk mendownload Audacity (ukurannya 4.1 MB) bisa klik disini
Lame mp3 encoder bisa didownload disini
Setelah menginstal kedua aplikasi di atas, maka anda bisa mulai melakukan pengeditan file mp3

1. Buka Aplikasi Audacity
Untuk membuka file mp3 yang akan diedit pilih File -> Open…

2. Dalam contoh ini saya menggunakan lagu mp3 : Donna donna
Pilih folder yang berisi lagu , kemudian klik tombol Open

3. Lakukan blok terhadap bagian lagu yang akan dihilangkan (dipotong), gunakan mouse untuk melakukan drag (blok)
Klik tombol gunting untuk memotong bagian yang terblok

4. Hasilnya seperti gambar di bawah, bisa gunakan tombol play untuk mendengar hasilnya

5. Jika lagu yang dipotong sudah sesuai dengan keinginan anda, maka bisa menyimpan hasil editan tersebut.
Pilih File -> Export…

6. Klik tombol OK

7. Pada file name , ketik dengan nama yang berbeda dengan nama file aslinya.
Pada Save as type pilih mp3 files
Klik tombol Save
Hasil editing tadi akan tersimpan dalam format mp3.

The Resonant Vibes » Seth’s Picks of the Week – 14th of November 2009

If you’ve been following the blog, you know that it’s been an unfathomably strange few weeks. As such, there was no top ten post last week. I have selected tracks from this week and last. After all, it wouldn’t be fair to neglect those great cuts from last week. This is somewhat of a laid back collection of songs, but there’s still some room to groove.

1. Mom (Original Mix) – Otzim Lee – Pong Musiq
2. Suerte (Alexander Maier’s Lucky Cat Remix) – Florian Kruse & Nils Nürnberg – Dieb Audio
3. Chute (Ed Davenport Rmx) – Echonomist – Time has changed
4. Dischordance (Original Mix) – Max Cooper – Traum Schallplatten
5. The White Flash (feat. Thom Yorke) – MODESELEKTOR FEAT. THOM YORKE – BPitch Control
6. colorado avenue (Original Mix) – landschall – Broque
7. Hey Carbon! (Original Mix) – Lanauze – Snubb
8. Party Guilt (Original) – The Royal We – Crosstown Rebels
9. Greek (Original Mix) – Luca Marano – OFF
10. FCK (Original Mix) – Damian Uzabiaga – Raccoon Records

Friday, November 13, 2009

Google Chrome OS in download dalla prossima settimana(Via

Image via Wikipedia

Secondo una “fonte affidabile” riportata da TechCrunch l’atteso Chrome OS di Google sarà disponibile per essere scaricato via Internet a partire dalla prossima settimana, lasciando così che dopo tanti dubbi si possa finalmente provare il nuovo sistema operativo.

Annunciato a luglio, Chrome OS avrà come obiettivo primario il mercato dei netbook, per cui è lecito aspettarsi un supporto inizialmente orientato ai più diffusi eeePC di Asus, anche se come annunciato in passato da Google già sono in corso collaborazioni anche con Acer, Adobe, Freescale, Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments e Toshiba.

Non ci resta che aspettare la prossima settimana per sapere innanzitutto se questa gola profonda ha detto la verità, e in tal caso provare finalmente con mano Chrome OS.

How To Program Games - How To Download Games On PSP - 5 Questions About Membership Sites

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Are you apprehensive how to download amateur on PSP It s easy Before you apprentice how to download amateur on PSP though you should additionally bethink that your new Sony Play Station Portable PSP can be acclimated to to watch movies and TV shows too In a antecedent article I had declared the means for you to get your games videos and music. The best way is through a paid associates site. In this article I will briefly call how these associates sites work.

How To Download Amateur On PSP – Questions – What is included in my membership

The adorableness of acceptance to a PSP associates armpit is that you will accept burning admission to how to play burned xbox 360 games boatloads of files that are accessible to be transferred to your PSP. The beyond associates sites will be able to accommodate you with actually millions of choices. At some sites these choices accommodate movies television shows video games music PSP software and alike how to play burned xbox 360 games wallpaper

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Yes The downloads you will accept are the abounding adaptation games shows music and movies. They are absolutely like the aboriginal that you could accept bought at your admired retail store.

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As I mentioned above there are means to get games movies shows and music for your PSP off of the internet. The aboriginal two through chargeless or chargeless associates sites are alarming because we all apperceive that there is annihilation that is absolutely free. Additionally these sites are belled for cheating adware or alike spyware assimilate your computer. Avoid them like the plague

Several acclaimed PSP associates sites action a Lifetime associates advantage and that s absolutely what it is. No added fees ever

How To Download Amateur On PSP – Questions How do I download games movies TV shows and music to my PSP

The files are downloaded aboriginal to your computer. Afterwards that is accomplished you again artlessly alteration the files beeline into your PSP application a USB cable or accordant anamnesis stick reader. A acceptable PSP associates armpit will additionally action all the software that you will need as able-bodied as footfall by footfall instructions. This action is absolutely actual simple alike for a child.

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Yes There is no limitation on area you can watch the movies shows and games. You can watch them on your computer or alike bake them to a disc and watch them on your TV or iPod Video. You get to accept what to do with them.

In this commodity I accept answered questions about PSP associates sites. I achievement it helps you to adore your PSP alike more. Accept fun

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mv เพลง ชีวิตหลังความเจ็บ - Dan แดน วรเวช

Download เพลง ชีวิตหลังความเจ็บ ในรูปแบบ MV คลิกที่นี่

Download เพลง ชีวิตหลังความเจ็บ ในรูปแบบ MP3 คลิกที่นี่


เพลง – ชีวิตหลังความเจ็บ

ศิลปิน – Dan แดน วรเวช

โลกก็ยังคงเดิน ฉันก็ยังต้องหายใจ
แม้เธอจะหายไป แต่หัวใจเจ็บเหลือเกิน
แต่ฉันก็ยังสงสัย ถ้าใจมันยังเหมือนเดิม
จะมีชีวิตที่ดีต่อไป ได้หรือเปล่า


ยังเดินที่เดิม เจอเก้าอี้ตัวเก่า
ที่เคยนั่งมองดวงตาคู่นั้น ด้วยยิ้มที่สดใส

ชีวิตจะมีความสุขอีกไหม ไม่รู้
ที่รู้คือทุกๆ วัน ฉันเจ็บ
จากภาพเราเหล่านั้น เพราะยังไม่มีสักวัน

ฉันก็ยังเดินไป พบผู้คนที่คุ้นเคย
เขามองและเขาห่วง และถามไถ่ถึงเธอ
เหมือนทุกสิ่งที่มี ที่ชีวิตนี้ได้เจอ

มันมีความหลังมากมาย ไม่รู้จบ
ได้ฟังกี่ครั้ง ก็พบแต่น้ำตา

ดูหนังเรื่องเดิม แต่มันเศร้า
มันเศร้ายิ่งกว่า มองซ้ายมองขวา
ไม่เจออีกแล้ว รอยยิ้มที่อ่อนไหว

ชีวิตจะมีความสุขอีกไหม ไม่รู้
ที่รู้คือทุกๆ วัน ฉันเจ็บ
จากภาพเราเหล่านั้น เพราะยังไม่มีสักวัน

Girl I’m missing your face
I could never erase
All the love we shared
When you were mine
When you were mine

All the things that we’ve said
Never could be replaced
I wish we never had to say goodbye
And made you cry

Dubstep from Joker, Kovu remixes Micky Slim, Giggs & Mike Skinner

Got a cool little track from Joker called Digidesign. Dubstep in a simple, pretty minimal from, with some deep bass, then some oriental type strings come in and give a different flavour. Liking Joker a lot the moment, producing some wicked records and remixes. This is that more stripped back less “commercial” dubstep sound.

Joker – Digidesign

Now got some House turned Dubstep from Micky Slim. The track is “Skank Out” remixed by Kovu. Love this track, its that almost clubstep sound, with those big build ups ending in huge dutty drops, just love that sound. This needs to be heard up loud on some proper speakers to get the full effect of that deep rumbling bass. Have a listen and you will know what I’m talking about.

Micky Slim – Skank Out (Kovu Dubstep Remix)

Last one here is a bit of an old one and I’ve only just heard it. Its a dubstep remix from Marco Del Horno of the Giggs and Mike Skinner track “Slow Songs”. I was a big fan of the original in the summer and needless to say this remix beefs this track up a bit. I like what the Rinse FM DJ has done to it chopping up the vocals a bit and making it more of a track you could hear on a night out. Worth having to see what you think, I recommend it.

Giggs ft. Mike Skinner – Slow Song (Marco Del Horno Dubstep Remix)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lost - 4 temporada

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Airi – Happy Kindness To You EP

2to6 Records returns with the Happy Kindness To You EP by Airi, a Swiss producer dedicated to energetic night-time psychedelic trance. Expect hard and heavy beats, menacing bass lines, scratchy noises, and dark atmospheres from this three track release. It is easy to hear the Electrypnose influence on this EP but there is a hectic and experimental quality to to these tunes that set them apart. Mastered by Electrypnose and Airi with artwork by Ayalien.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Geogebra, Software para Atividades Computacionais de Matemática

GeoGebra é um software de matemática dinâmica para utilizar em ambiente de sala de aula,  que reúne GEOmetria, álGEBRA e cálculo. Recebeu muitos prémios internacionais incluindo o prémio de software educacional Alemão e Europeu. O software é disponível também em Português, possuindo bastante material de apoio produzido.

| BAIXAR O GEOGEBRA | GEOGEBRAWiki - atividades com o geogebra | Apostila de GeoGebra-UFPR | Aplicações do GeoGebra ao ensino de Matemática | possibilidades de ensino com o GEOGEBRA |

Delicious 4 – Emily’s Taste of Fame game for MAC to download and play

It’s time for another adventure as Emily finds herself stranded in Delicious – Emily’s Taste of Fame Deluxe! Help Emily succeed in the fourth title of the series by taking care of customers in five beautifully designed locations. You will have to take on a special task each day and find challenges for beginners as well as experts. Get ready for some big surprises in this latest time management game!

Enjoy Delicious 4 – Emily’s Taste of Fame game for MAC

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Patch per 7even HwNL

PATCH n°1 – 7even HwNL

Questa patch ripristina alcune dll in system32:

Patch per: HwNL 7even 1.0Lite e 2.0Medium


L’eliminazione di queste dll sono causa comune di errori dovuti a vlite.

Possono risolvere alcuni bug segnalati sulle release.

Download diretto:


Download 'Fall of the Republic' in Full for FREE!

This version has actually been endorsed by Alex Jones because he wants Fall of the Republic to be seen by as many people as possible. Download it and post it to your blog, email it to friends or burn DVD copies to give to people at work, university etc. Alternatively a high quality / high definition version is available at Prison Planet. Together we can expose the lies and corruption of these toxic little control freaks.

Monday, November 2, 2009

new fanmade trailer

I added a new fanmade trailer of NakaSato “Sin & Punishment” using the song and music from The Servant, “Cell”. I also updated my project page for my future project that’s upcoming. Downloaded links are already added so download from your desire hotfile link. Be careful and read “Credits & Rules” before downloading. Note: More chapters are added to the featured download – unrequited love special download section.

Featured Watch Video ↓↓↓

REC [2] - Download


Gênero: Terror
Ano de Lançamento: 2009
Qualidade: TS
Formato: AVi
Idioma: Espanhõl
Legenda: Sem Legenda
Tamanho: 675Mb
Download: Megaupload

Sinopse:Sequência de [REC], o filme de terror que conquistou público e crítica em 2008 e que reinventou o gênero. Os maiores horrores voltam a ser registrados no mesmo prédio onde dezenas de pessoas foram brutalmente assassinadas.