Monday, October 5, 2009

Mobile phones: the object to everything, Mobile Phone

Remember the days of phones with circular dials which forced us to repeat the number required if it is entirely wrong: very irritating especially when the error committed in the last issue! It is true that in the 70s there were only 6 issues but still!

The mobile phone today has evolved and offers a multitude of functions.

It is obviously to call, which seems normal, and as its name suggests, it is portable so allows the user to move the phone. You can call in the street in the country office brief from around provided you have the network of course. Remember, it is forbidden to call while driving.

Some years ago the mobile phone offers very interesting options as a contact directory, calculator, alarm clock, diary, calendar, ringtones and even more games.

And now the latest generation of mobile phones allow their owners to download music, take pictures whose quality is similar to digital cameras of the 2000s. Thanks to the latest telecommunications technologies, new mobile phones offer TV. Indeed, processes 3G and 3G + now can download music quickly and watch television on mobile phone screen. Screens more and more about where the joy of seeing Henry scoring a goal with the France team football will match the price on this subject has now become essential.

Access to payment is also possible through our mobile phone. Conclusive tests have been made in some countries. It remains only to adapt to our country.

The relationship between mobile phone and computer is done: surf the web with the mobile becomes a hobby or a lucrative occupation following the case. Send and receive e-mails allows companies to keep permanent contact with his collaborators.

But will we ever make coffee with his mobile phone? Surely not, whatever!

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