Friday, October 16, 2009

TinyMCE Options Override 1.0.2


Allows an Administrator to override the TinyMCE styling options a user can use when creating or editing a post, now on a global and per-user basis


Upload tiny_mce_options_override directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Can I set these options on a per user basis?

As of version 1.0, yes you can. You can set a User’s options on their profile edit page. Alternatively you can set a User to use the Global Settings by ticking the corresponding box on the same page.

Can a user change their own settings?

No, as this would defeat the object of the plugin. No user (including Administrators) can change their own settings.

Who can change the Global Settings?

Only an Aministrator can change the Global Settings, these can be found under the “Settings” heading.

Can I reposition the TinyMCE Buttons?

Not yet, however this will also be included in a future release.

TinyMCE Options Override 1.0.2

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