Friday, September 25, 2009

Authors: manojtd, birkoffsjunk

Easy AdSense Redux Same as Easy AdSense but with Ad Space sharing code remove


Upload the Easy AdSense plugin (the whole easy-adsenser folder) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.

Go to the Setup -> Easy AdSense and enter your AdSense code and options.

Go to Themes -> Widgets to add widgets to your side bar(s).


Although the Easy AdSense plugin is designed to handle Google AdSense efficiently, there is nothing preventing you from using the text boxes to place any other kind of text in your blog posts and pages. In particular, you can use ad text from other providers, especially in the header and footer.


The new placement option for lead-in ad block in the header doesnt work the way I like. Can you fix it?

Short answer: No, I couldnt figure out how to do it better.

Long answer: This option works by adding an action to a hook in WordPress. I could not find a hook that would get activated right after the tag in the generated HTML, and right after the header image is placed (and before the sidebars are inserted). If you know the hook names, please let me know. Also, if your theme has “side” bars near the header and footer (north and south sidebars), there may be conflicts between add_action hooks resulting in unexpected behavior.

I get the error “Error locating or loading the defaults! Ensure defaults.php exists, or reinstall the plugin.” What to do?

Please copy all the files in the zip archive to your plugin directory. The zip archive easy-adsenser.?.??.zip contains the directories easy-adsenser and easy-adsenser/lang. You need all the files in the easy-adsenser directory. One of these files is the missing defaults.php. The lang directory, on the other hand, is optional and is meant for international users.

How can I control the appearance of the adsense using CSS?


s that Easy AdSense creates have the class attribute adsense. Furthermore, they have attributes like adsense-leadin, adsense-midtext, adsense-leadout, adsense-widget and adsense-lu depending on the type. You can set the style for these classes in your theme style.css to control their appearance.

Ad Space sharing? in Redux


Why does my AdSense code disappear when I switch to a new theme?

One of my motivations in writing Easy AdSense was the fact that every time I switched between themes, I had to regenerate the AdSense code to match my new colors. Since I often switched back to the original theme (when I would have to regenerate the code again), I wanted to keep the AdSense code per theme in my database. Now, with Easy AdSense activated, I can switch among my themes without worrying about the AdSense color mismatch. This is what I meant when I said, “Remembers AdSense code and your options by theme, so that you dont have to re-enter them if you play with multiple themes. [This feature provides a solution to Googles unwillingness to let you modify and customize the AdSense code -- you just store all the code variants in your blog database.]” as the most important feature of Easy AdSense.

But this unfortunately means that you do have to set the code once whenever you switch to a new theme. I suppose I could have checked your database for some other AdSense code and presented it as defaults, but such complex logic usually results in less robust programs, and pain and suffering down the road.

Can I control how the ad blocks are formatted in each page?

Yes! Now, in V2.1+, you more options [through custom fields] to control ad blocks in individual posts/pages. Add custom fields with keys like adsense-top, adsense-middle, adsense-bottom, adsense-widget, adsense-search and with values like left, right, center or no to have control how the ad blocks show up in each post or page. The value “no” suppresses all AdSense ad blocks in the post or page.

I find this *easy* plugin too complex with too many options. Any alternatives?

If you feel that the features of Easy AdSense are a bit too much, consider my lean and mean AdSense plugin AdSense Now!

I just upgraded to WordPress version 2.8. My widget is gone and Im mad. What gives?

WP2.8 uses a different widget API. Easy AdSense is comapatible with it. Just go to your widget page, and drag and drop it again in the sidebar of your choice at the right point. Fret not, your settings and AdSense code are safely saved (per theme), and you dont have to cut and paste those details again.

I just activated the plugin. How come I dont see any ads in my blog?

Note that you have to generate your adsense code from Google, and paste the entire code in the text boxes, replacing the existing text. Changing the publisher id alone is not good enough.

If you just created the new Google AdSense code, it may not be active yet. Google takes about ten minutes or so before serving ads. Please try again later.

I am having a difficult time getting the middle of post ads to show. They show in some posts, but not all of them. Any possible recommendations?

The middle ads are designed to show up only on long posts (of more than 20 paragraphs). Use the option to force the mid-text ads (in v1.82+) to override this length check.

How do I report a bug or ask a question?

Please report any problems, and share your thoughts and comments at the plugin forum at WordPress Or send an email to the plugin author.

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