Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Memories trapped inside my Cellphone

Remember the shoeboxes stuffed with snapshots that you promised you’d put in a scrapbook or album? I think the cellphone is the 21st century equivalent of that. I mean, how many of you have snapped some precious “caught in the moment” pix with your cellphone camera? How many of you have downloaded those photos onto your computer or even printed them? Uh-huh. That’s what I thought.

Of course, if you had an iPhone and a MAC this wouldn’t be much of an issue because when you update your itunes library iPhoto automatically downloads your iPhone pictures. But then I use a regular phone, it’s a SAMSUNG PROPEL and I love it. It’s great for people who text a lot and has a decent camera too.


I took the time to download some pix via email — because I do not have an SD memory card in my phone (geez, another accessory??), I do it old school by emailing the photos to myself. From there I open the files and save onto my hard drive. Still wondering how to download pix from your phone- check this out.

So what did I find? Scenes of a life. Lots of pictures of my kids of course – my kids at the beach, at the park, on a tree, after their haircuts, after their accidents… and then there are the random-oh-so-cool-I-gotta-take-a-photo-of-this scenes: a sunset, a weird tree, a duck… well here take a look….

WHAT’S in YOUR cellphone?

Nature’s wonders

Naturally it was more breathtaking in real life, also it's hard to take a picture while driving.

This was a funky bumpy tree at the Butterfly park.

I thought this was funny- a duck in our pool

HAVE TREE, WILL CLIMB seems to be my kids’ motto.

Milo up a tree on his 4th birthday

...another day, another tree.

And finally, even when it hurts…

A whack on the head with a nerf gun brought us to the ER. My poor baby in pain.

Our first broken bone - the clavicle.

Okay 75 more images to download… ahhh…feels like the shoebox all over again.

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