Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sega Accidently Leaks Meeting with Sony

Apparently on August 5th, Sega and Sony had a meeting to discuss what’s coming up with PS3 and a possible partnership with Sega. The meeting agenda notes from a Sega representetive were leaked onto the internet. Here’s some exciting points from the leaked agenda: (at least ones that I found exciting)

Motion Controller

Spring 2010 launch (March in JP)

No bundle/pricing details yet, should come Sept 1

Plan on selling 4-5MM units WW

SCEA agreed to provide a list of Sega IP that would work well with the motion controller, Virtua Tennis was an example

Motion Controller support allows easy way to differentiate PS3 SKU

Other differentiation opportunities include PSP/PS3 interoperability – think of features that would make users want to buy both PS3 and PSP SKUs.


Could put Japanese games directly on PSN for download in a special Japanese Import section (pricing $9.99 to $39.99 for full game).

Might need to localize menus at least with subtitles.

SCEA interested in helping on MKTG side if they can have period of exclusivity.

Sonic Anniversary

Could put out collectors edition with all old sonic games on one BD disc.

“Best of Sonic” for around $99.

SCEA would love PSN exclusive power ups/different game modes (like Castlevania’s flip it over/backwards)

PS2 emulator for PS3 (confidential)

SCEA wants to sell all PS2 titles on PSN (GTA Vice City/Sonic/etc)

For co Marketing money show PS3 controller on TV ads – similar to EA Madden Spots, NCAA, etc…

DC Digital Titles

If we provide a list of DC titles SCEA will let us know which ones they’re interested in having exclusively.

If we give them a long period of exclusivity they’ll give us more marketing support.

Upcoming game releases were also discussed including Bayonetta, Alpha Protocol, and Sonic Racing. Getting ALL PS2 games as downloadable content on PSN would be amazing, and Dreamcast games would make the deal even sweeter. Obviously this is all just specultaion and I’m sure Sega will shop around with Microsoft as well to and choose the highest bidder for the exclusive Dreamcast games. Just to show you how un-official this all is, Sega France has requested that Objectif-Sega remove their original story. Hmm…either the story isn’t true or somebody is really pissed about it getting leaked. Regardless I’m am looking forward to all the PS2 games up for download.

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